
Laboratory Safety Series

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Laboratory Electrical Safety - SS19020AE
Electricity can be a potential hazard anywhere, even a laboratory. This videos helps viewers identify potential hazards and outlines what steps to take to minimize risk.
Laboratory Electrical Safety Spanish - SS19020AS
La electricidad puede ser un peligro potencial en cualquier lugar, incluso en un laboratorio. Este vídeo ayuda a los espectadores a identificar los peligros potenciales y describe las medidas que deben tomarse para minimizar el riesgo.
Laboratory Ergonomics – M19006AE
Laboratory Ergonomics discusses the need to set up work areas correctly, as well as how to minimize the strain of using laboratory equipment, tools and instruments. Many activities in the laboratory can exert stress and strain on muscles and joints… ultimately causing significant injuries. To work safely and maintain good ergonomic health, employees need to know how to avoid movements and work patterns that can be harmful. Areas covered in the course include parts of the body most susceptible to ergonomic problems, arranging work areas to minimize stress and strain, working from neutral positions, most and least stressful types of body movements, proper lifting techniques, effective stretching exercises, and more.
Laboratory Eye Wash & Safety Showers - SS19021AE
In a laboratory environment, there is possibly no more important knowledge than how to properly operate an eye wash station or safety shower. This knowledge can mean the difference between an accident and a catastrophe.
Laboratory Eye Wash & Safety Showers Spanish - SS19021AS
En un entorno de laboratorio, posiblemente no haya conocimiento más importante que el de cómo manejar correctamente una estación lavaojos o una ducha de seguridad. Estos conocimientos pueden marcar la diferencia entre un accidente y una catástrofe.
Laboratory Flammables & Explosives - SS19023AE (11 Min.)
There are many different chemicals and compounds in the laboratory. Some of thse have the potential to cause fires& explosions. This video takes a look at how to properly muse, store and dispose of these chemicals safety to avoid a tragic situation.
Laboratory Flammables & Explosives Spanish - SS19023AS (11 Min.)
En el laboratorio hay muchos productos químicos y compuestos diferentes. Algunos de ellos pueden provocar incendios y explosiones. En este vídeo se explica cómo utilizar, almacenar y eliminar estos productos químicos de forma segura para evitar situaciones trágicas.
Laboratory Handling Gas Cylinders - SS19024AE (10 Min.)
Gas cylinders, if not handled properly can cause serious damage to property and grave injuries to employees. This program outlines how to safely use and store cylinders to eliminate risk.
Laboratory Handling Gas Cylinders - SS19024AS (10 Min.) Spanish
Gas cylinders, if not handled properly can cause serious damage to property and grave injuries to employees. This program outlines how to safely use and store cylinders to eliminate risk.
Laboratory Handling Gas Cylinders Spanish - SS19024AS (10 Min.)
Los cilindros de gas, si no se manejan correctamente, pueden causar graves daños a la propiedad y lesiones graves a los empleados. Este programa describe cómo utilizar y almacenar los cilindros de forma segura para eliminar riesgos.
Laboratory Hoods - M19008E (15 mins)
Laboratory Hoods emphasizes how to properly use laboratory hoods and how to test them to ensure correct functioning… as well as discusses how hoods can protect an experiment, the facility, and most importantly, the employee. Many of the materials used in laboratories give off fumes, mists, vapors, particulates or aerosols which are hazardous. To minimize exposure to these materials, special precautions need to be taken. This often means working within a hood. Areas covered in the course include why laboratory hoods are needed, protections afforded by hoods, how hoods function mechanically, proper use of laboratory hoods, testing and maintenance, and more.
Laboratory Safety Orientation - SS19022AE
There are a variety of potential hazards in a lab environment. This program takes a basic look at these hazards and shows ways to minimize risk.
Laboratory Safety Orientation Spanish - SS19022AS
Existe una gran variedad de peligros potenciales en un entorno de laboratorio. Este programa da una mirada básica a estos peligros y muestra maneras de minimizar el riesgo.
OSHA Formaldehyde Standard – SS19004AE
The OSHA Formaldehyde Standard provides training that is required by this standard, and focuses on the rules and procedures that the standard establishes for working with this potentially dangerous chemical. While Formaldehyde is used in many laboratory operations, it can be a serious health hazard. The results of mishandling Formaldehyde can be serious. They can range from the short-term discomfort associated with minor burns or skin irritation… to chronic effects from a lifetime of overexposure. Areas covered in the course include potential health hazards, testing for Permissible Exposure Limits (PEL), labeling and Material Safety Data Sheets, hoods and other ventilation systems, personal protective equipment, spill clean-up and decontamination procedures, first aid, the medical surveillance plan, and more.
OSHA Formaldehyde Standard – SS19004AS - Spanish
The OSHA Formaldehyde Standard provides training that is required by this standard, and focuses on the rules and procedures that the standard establishes for working with this potentially dangerous chemical. While Formaldehyde is used in many laboratory operations, it can be a serious health hazard. The results of mishandling Formaldehyde can be serious. They can range from the short-term discomfort associated with minor burns or skin irritation… to chronic effects from a lifetime of overexposure. Areas covered in the course include potential health hazards, testing for Permissible Exposure Limits (PEL), labeling and Material Safety Data Sheets, hoods and other ventilation systems, personal protective equipment, spill clean-up and decontamination procedures, first aid, the medical surveillance plan, and more.
Planning for Laboratory Emergencies – M19011E
Planning for Laboratory Emergencies discusses how to minimize damage and prevent injuries if an emergency should occur. A caustic acid hose has just erupted…an experiment has shown unexpected reactions… what should employees do to deal with these and other emergencies? Employees need to know when and how they should act in an emergency situation. Areas covered in the course include the emergency plan, types of emergencies, alarms and warning systems, contacting outside agencies, evacuation, fires, explosions and chemical spills, and more.
Safe Handling of Laboratory Glassware – M19010E
Safe Handling of Laboratory Glassware discusses the nature of various types of glassware, and the problems it can cause… as well as the need for employees to use and maintain laboratory glassware safely. Broken glassware causes more laboratory accidents than any other hazard. Because it is so fragile, glassware can easily fracture if it is bumped, dropped or too much pressure is applied to it. Some glassware accidents don’t require much more than a band-aid, while others can result in a lot of blood and the need for medical attention. And the threat of contamination from the materials in a broken container can also be a serious problem. Areas covered in the course include inspecting glassware before use, effects of extreme temperatures and pressures, matching glassware to the experiment, working with glass tubing, using personal protective equipment, storage and handling, washing and clean-up, and more.