
Learning Management System


Welcome to our Learning Management System! Safety Source is pleased to provide access to their video library to supplement your company’s safety training and programs. These videos are available to you after logging in with your username and password, titles will only appear once you are logged in. This library will continue to grow and offer new topics for your safety needs. We would like to thank you for taking the time to educate your workers and help manage your risk. If you experience technical difficulties with the videos or your log in information, please contact Lisa Molina via email: lisamolina@safetysourceproduction.com or via phone: 800-358.4428 Office hours Monday-Friday from 7:00AM to 4:00PM (PST).

Select a category below and you will find all videos relating to that subject or feel free to use the search function located below.



Browse Categories

State & Federal Mandated Timed Courses Now Available